

| 博士 教授 硕士生导师




办公地址: 莫干山校区材料楼A317


电子邮箱: wum@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介

    吴旻,博士,校聘教授,2013年博士毕业于浙江大学材料学专业,2013-2015年加入加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学物理与工程物理系从事博士后研究。2015年10月加入浙江工业大学材料学院。获浙江省“钱江学者”特聘教授荣誉称号,入选浙江省“151人才工程”第一层次,浙江省“高校领军人才培养计划”高层次拔尖人才。现主要从事利用第一性原理计算方法研究物质在不同温度、压力条件下的结构和性质,研究内容包括矿物在地球内部高温高压条件下的结构和物性,地球碳循环、碳转化相关问题,压力诱导非晶合金结构相变,人工智能在材料领域中的应用等。相关研究工作在Nature Communications, PNAS, Advanced Materials, Advancde Functional Materials, Acta Materialia, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。承担国家自然科学青年基金和浙江省自然科学基金青年项目,成功揭榜2021之江杯全球人工智能大赛。指导学生获得浙江省大学生新材料创新设计大赛一等奖。

  • 教学与课程


  • 育人成果



  • 科研成果

    1.     A. Majumdar, M. Wu.(共同一作), Y.M. Pan, T. Litaka, J. S. Tse*, Structural dynamics of basaltic melt at mantle conditions with 

           implications for magma oceans and superplumes. Nature Commun. 11, 4815 (2020)

    2.   B.H. Xing, Y.B. Wu, J.L. Cheng, L. Zhang, M. Wu*, Hydrogen diffusion inα-Fe2O3:implication for an effective hydrogen diffusion barrier. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. (2020) 

    3.  M. Wu, J. Shi, Y.F. Wu, Yi Ma, Z.Y. Ding*, Structure and dynamical properties of liquid Au under pressure. Aip Advances 10, 045038 (2020)

    4.   H.D. Yuan, M. Wu (共同一作), J.H. Zheng, Z.G. Chen, W.K. Zhang, J.M. Luo, C.B. Jin, O.W. Sheng, C. Liang, Y.P. Gan, Y. Xia, J. Zhang, H. Huang, Y. J. Liu, J.W. Nai and X.Y. Tao, Empowering metal phosphides anode with catalytic attribute toward superior cyclability for lithium-ion storage. Advanced functional materials, 1809051 (2019)

    5.  M. Wu,X. Zhou, S.B. Huang, J.L. Cheng, Z.Y. Ding, A first-principles study of the effect of vacancy defects on the electronic structure of greigite (Fe3S4). Scientific reports, 8,11408 (2018)

    6.   W.D. Li, Y. Liu, M. Wu(共同一作),X.L. Feng, S.A.T. Redfern, Y. Shang, X. Yong, T.L. Feng, K.F. Wu, Z.Y. Liu, B.J. Li, Z.M. Chen, J.S. Tse, S.Y. Lu, B. Yang, Carbon-Quantun-Dots-Loaded Ruthenium Nanoparticles as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Production in Alkaline Media. Advanced Materials, 30, 1800676 (2018)

    7.   X.P. Du, M. Wu*, J.S. Tse, Y.M. Pan, Structure and transport propertis of CaCO3 melts under earth's mantle conditions, ACS Earth Space Chem. 2, 1−8 (2018)

    8.   M. Wu, J. L. Cheng, J. S. Tse, Y. M. Pan, L. Zhang,Density power law and structures of metallic glasses. Acta Materialia(2017) 141,75-82

    9.   M. Wu, J. S. Tse and Y. M. Pan, Electronic structure of greigite (Fe3S4): A hybrid functional study and prediction for a Verwey transition. Scientific Reports6, 21637 (2016)

    10.   M. Wu, J. S. Tse and Y. M. Pan, Anomalous bond length behavior and a new solid phase of bromine under pressure. Scientific Reports 6, 25649 (2016)

    11.  M. Wu,Hongbo Lou,John S. Tse,Hanyu Liu,Yuanming Pan,Kazushi Takahama,Takahiro Matsuoka, Katsuya Shimizu,and Jianzhong Jiang J. S. Tse and Y. M. Pan, Pressure-induced polyamorphism in a main-group metallic glassPhysical Review B94, 054201 (2016)

    12.  X. Yong, H. Liu, M. Wu, Y. Yao, J. S. Tse, R. Dias, C. S. Yoo. Crystal structures and dynamical properties of dense CO2, PNAS 113, 11110 (2016)

    13.   M. Wu, J. S. Tse, S.Y. Wang, C.Z. Wang & J.Z. JiangOrigin of pressure-induced crystallization of Ce75Al25 metallic glass. Nature Communications. 6, 6493 (2015)

    14.   M. Wu, J. S. Tse and Y. M. Pan, Stability and properties of liquid CO2 at high pressure and high temperature: implications for electrical conductivities in Earth’s lower mantle.Geophys. Res. Lett.42 5820-5827  2015

    15.   S. R. Shieh, I. Jarrige, M. Wu, N. Hiraoka, J. S. Tse, Z. Mi, L. Kaci, J.Z. Jiang, and Y. Q. Cai. Electronic structure of carbon dioxide under pressure and insights into the molecular-to-nonmolecular transition. PNAS. 110, 18402 (2013)

