

| 博士 教授 博士生导师




办公地址: 浙江省杭州市拱墅区潮王路18号浙江工业大学朝晖校区西配楼319

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电子邮箱: shenjn@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介

    沈江南,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。浙江省新世纪151人才第二层次。浙江工业大学化工学院教授; 2005年毕业于浙江大学获化学工程与技术博士学位,主要从事膜分离技术和废水资源化方面的研究,先后在浙江工业大学、比利时鲁汶大学作博士后和访问学者研究。先后主持和参与了国家863项目子课题,国家自然科学基金面上项目,浙江省科技厅重点项目城镇污水提标改造,中石化冷却循环水利用重点专项,浙江省自然科学基金,企业横向项目等50余项。近年来在国际期刊Advanced Materials, Environ. Sci. and Tech., J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Hazard. Mat., J. Member. Sci., Chem. Eng. J., ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., Crystal Growth and Design, Sep. Pur. Tech. , Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,AIChE,  Scientific reports等杂志上发表SCI论文150余篇,合作出版专著5部,申请国家发明专利109余项,授权发明专利40余项。

  • 教学与课程






  • 育人成果


  • 科研项目

    1. 可逆加成-断裂链转移聚合法制备CO2分离固载促进传递膜及载体优化分布理论研究,国家基金,201212月结题,主持

    2. 高效富集海水铀的新型含偕胺肟基聚合物/粘土纳米复合膜及其富集行为研究,浙江省自然科学基金,201412月结题,主持

    3. 效锂离子筛吸附剂研制及海水提锂新工业研究,浙江省科技厅公益项目,20156月结题,主持

    4. 膜技术分子筛催化剂无废水排放清洁生产新工艺开发及工业示范863项目子课题,2015年,主持,已验收

    5. 新型耐污染膜的制备及性能表征,浙江省博士后基金项目,已结题,主持

    6. 高分子复合膜微尺度加工理论与方法研究,973项目,已结题,参与

    7. 有机/有机体系渗透汽化膜分离体系研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,已结题,参与

    8. 面向医化行业的双极膜电渗析清洁生产设备,中欧国际合作项目,已结题

    9. 兼具单多价选择性和耐污染性能的阴离子交换膜的制备及微结构调控机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持

    10. 膜法高镁锂比盐湖提锂新工艺、锂产品多元化研究,浙江省科技厅重大专项,主持



    13. 原位构筑银纳米颗粒的抗菌阴离子交换膜及多重抗菌机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持

    14. 重点行业水污染治理技术集成与工程示范-基于集成膜法印染废水资源化处理的关键技术研究与应用示范,参与

  • 科研成果


    1. Li, J.;  Li, L.;  Xu, Y.;  Zhu, J.;  Liu, F.;  Shen, J.;  Wang, Z.; Lin, J., MXene nanosheet stacks with tunable nanochannels for efficient molecular separation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022,427, 132070.

    2. Chen, Q.;  Luo, J.;  Liao, J.;  Zhu, C.;  Li, J.;  Xu, J.;  Xu, Y.;  Ruan, H.; Shen, J., Tuning the length of aliphatic chain segments in aromatic poly(arylene ether sulfone) to tailor the micro-structure of anion-exchange membrane for improved proton blocking performance. Journal of Membrane Science 2022,641, 119860.

    3. Bandehali, S.;  Parvizian, F.;  Hosseini, S. M.;  Matsuura, T.;  Drioli, E.;  Shen, J.;  Moghadassi, A.; Adeleye, A. S., Planning of smart gating membranes for water treatment. Chemosphere 2021,283, 131207.

    4. Bandehali, S.;  Parvizian, F.;  Ruan, H.;  Moghadassi, A.;  Shen, J.;  Figoli, A.;  Adeleye, A. S.;  Hilal, N.;  Matsuura, T.;  Drioli, E.; Hosseini, S. M., A planned review on designing of high-performance nanocomposite nanofiltration membranes for pollutants removal from water. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2021,101, 78-125.

    5. Hosseini, S. M.;  Moradi, F.;  Farahani, S. K.;  Bandehali, S.;  Parvizian, F.;  Ebrahimi, M.; Shen, J., Carbon nanofibers/chitosan nanocomposite thin film for surface modification of poly(ether sulphone) nanofiltration membrane. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2021,269, 124720.

    6. Liao, J.;  Ruan, H.;  Gao, X.;  Chen, Q.; Shen, J., Exploring the acid enrichment application of piperidinium-functionalized cross-linked poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) anion exchange membranes in electrodialysis. Journal of Membrane Science 2021,621, 118999.

    7. Liu, Y.;  Liao, J.;  Peng, G.;  Dong, C.;  Yang, S.; Shen, J., Poly(vinyl chloride)-Based Anion-Exchange Membrane with High-Antifouling Potential for Electrodialysis Application. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2021,3 (5), 2529-2540.

    8. Luo, B.;  Yao, Y.;  Liao, J.;  Chen, Q.;  Ruan, H.; Shen, J., Imparting Antimicrobial and Antifouling Properties to Anion Exchange Membrane through the Modification with Gentamicin‐Based Polymer. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2021,8 (13), 2100457.

    9. Lv, Y.;  Tang, C.;  Liao, J.;  Wu, S.;  Yao, L.;  Ruan, H.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., Conversion of S-2-amino-1-butanol-l-tartrate to S-2-amino-1-butanol by Using Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis for Post-treatment of Direct Enantioseparation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021,9 (9), 3542-3551.

    10. Peng, G.;  Zhu, C.;  Liao, J.;  Gao, X.;  Hao, L.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., A two-step strategy for the preparation of anion-exchange membranes based on poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) for electrodialysis desalination. Polymer 2021,218, 123508.

    11. Qiu, Y.;  Lv, Y.;  Tang, C.;  Liao, J.;  Ruan, H.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., Sustainable recovery of high-saline papermaking wastewater: Optimized separation for salts and organics via membrane-hybrid process. Desalination 2021,507, 114938.

    12. Ruan, H.;  Pan, N.;  Wang, C.;  Yu, L.;  Liao, J.; Shen, J., Functional UiO-66 Series Membranes with High Perm Selectivity of Monovalent and Bivalent Anions for Electrodialysis Applications. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2021,60 (10), 4086-4096.

    13. Shen, P.;  Liao, J.;  Chen, Q.;  Ruan, H.; Shen, J., Organic solvent resistant Kevlar nanofiber-based cation exchange membranes for electrodialysis applications. Journal of Membrane Science 2021,630, 119300.

    14. Shi, W.;  Qian, X.;  Xue, M.;  Que, W.;  Gao, X.;  Zheng, D.;  Liu, W.;  Wu, F.;  Shen, J.;  Cao, X.; Gao, C., Bismuth Nanoparticle-Embedded Porous Carbon Frameworks as a High-Rate Chloride Storage Electrode for Water Desalination. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2021,13 (18), 21149-21156.

    15. Shi, W.;  Xue, M.;  Qian, X.;  Xu, X.;  Gao, X.;  Zheng, D.;  Liu, W.;  Wu, F.;  Gao, C.;  Shen, J.; Cao, X., Achieving Enhanced Capacitive Deionization by Interfacial Coupling in PEDOT Reinforced Cobalt Hexacyanoferrate Nanoflake Arrays. Glob Chall 2021,5 (8), 2000128.

    16. Wang, C.;  Liao, J.;  Li, J.;  Chen, Q.;  Ruan, H.; Shen, J., Alkaline enrichment via electrodialysis with alkaline stable side-chain-type polysulfone-based anion exchange membranes. Separation and Purification Technology 2021,275, 119075.

    17. Xu, Y.;  Yu, S.;  Peng, G.;  Sotto, A.;  Ruan, H.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Novel crosslinked brominated polyphenylene oxide composite nanofiltration membranes with organic solvent permeability and swelling property. Journal of Membrane Science 2021,620, 118784.

    18. Yang, S.;  Yu, S.;  Yu, L.;  Liu, Y.;  Liao, J.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Cation Exchange Membranes Coated with Polyethyleneimine and Crown Ether to Improve Monovalent Cation Electrodialytic Selectivity. Membranes (Basel) 2021,11 (5).

    19. Yu, S.;  Zhu, J.;  Liao, J.;  Ruan, H.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., Homogeneous trimethylamine-quaternized polysulfone-based anion exchange membranes with crosslinked structure for electrodialysis desalination. Separation and Purification Technology 2021,257, 117874.

    20. Zareei, F.;  Bandehali, S.;  Parvizian, F.;  Hosseini, S. M.; Shen, J. N., Promoting the separation and antifouling properties of polyethersulfone-based nanofiltration membrane by incorporating of cobalt ferrite/activated carbon composite nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2021,169, 204-213.

    21. Zhao, Y.;  Wu, M.;  Shen, P.;  Uytterhoeven, C.;  Mamrol, N.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., Composite anti-scaling membrane made of interpenetrating networks of nanofibers for selective separation of lithium. Journal of Membrane Science 2021,618, 118668.

    22. Bandehali, S.;  Moghadassi, A.;  Parvizian, F.;  Shen, J.; Hosseini, S. M., Glycidyl POSS-functionalized ZnO nanoparticles incorporated polyether-imide based nanofiltration membranes for heavy metal ions removal from water. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2020,37 (2), 263-273.

    23. Bandehali, S.;  Moghadassi, A.;  Parvizian, F.;  Zhang, Y.;  Hosseini, S. M.; Shen, J., New mixed matrix PEI nanofiltration membrane decorated by glycidyl-POSS functionalized graphene oxide nanoplates with enhanced separation and antifouling behaviour: Heavy metal ions removal. Separation and Purification Technology 2020,242, 116745.

    24. Bandehali, S.;  Parvizian, F.;  Moghadassi, A.;  Shen, J.; Hosseini, S. M., Improvement in separation performance of PEI-based nanofiltration membranes by using L-cysteine functionalized POSS-TiO2 composite nanoparticles for removal of heavy metal ion. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2020,37 (9), 1552-1564.

    25. Bandehali, S.;  Parvizian, F.;  Moghadassi, A. R.;  Hosseini, S. M.; Shen, J. N., Fabrication of thin film-PEI nanofiltration membrane with promoted separation performances: Cr, Pb and Cu ions removal from water. Journal of Polymer Research 2020,27 (4).

    26. Gao, X.;  Shi, W.;  Ruan, P.;  Feng, J.;  Zheng, D.;  Yu, L.;  Xue, M.;  Wu, F.;  Liu, W.;  Shen, J.;  Li, H.; Cao, X., Ultrathin carbon boosted sodium storage performance in aqueous electrolyte. Functional Materials Letters 2020,13 (05), 2030002.

    27. Hosseini, S. M.;  Alibakhshi, H.;  Jashni, E.;  Parvizian, F.;  Shen, J. N.;  Taheri, M.;  Ebrahimi, M.; Rafiei, N., A novel layer-by-layer heterogeneous cation exchange membrane for heavy metal ions removal from water. J Hazard Mater 2020,381, 120884.

    28. Hosseini, S. M.;  Karami, F.;  Farahani, S. K.;  Bandehali, S.;  Shen, J.;  Bagheripour, E.; Seidypoor, A., Tailoring the separation performance and antifouling property of polyethersulfone based NF membrane by incorporating hydrophilic CuO nanoparticles. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2020,37 (5), 866-874.

    29. Liao, J.;  Chen, Q.;  Pan, N.;  Yu, X.;  Gao, X.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Amphoteric blend ion-exchange membranes for separating monovalent and bivalent anions in electrodialysis. Separation and Purification Technology 2020,242, 116793.

    30. Liao, J.;  Yu, X.;  Chen, Q.;  Gao, X.;  Ruan, H.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Monovalent anion selective anion-exchange membranes with imidazolium salt-terminated side-chains: Investigating the effect of hydrophobic alkyl spacer length. Journal of Membrane Science 2020,599, 117818.

    31. Pang, X.;  Tao, Y.;  Xu, Y.;  Pan, J.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Enhanced monovalent selectivity of cation exchange membranes via adjustable charge density on functional layers. Journal of Membrane Science 2020,595, 117544.

    32. Shi, W.;  Gao, X.;  Mao, J.;  Qian, X.;  Liu, W.;  Wu, F.;  Li, H.;  Zeng, Z.;  Shen, J.; Cao, X., Exploration of Energy Storage Materials for Water Desalination via Next-Generation Capacitive Deionization. Front Chem 2020,8, 415.

    33. Shi, W.;  Liu, X.;  Deng, T.;  Huang, S.;  Ding, M.;  Miao, X.;  Zhu, C.;  Zhu, Y.;  Liu, W.;  Wu, F.;  Gao, C.;  Yang, S. W.;  Yang, H. Y.;  Shen, J.; Cao, X., Enabling Superior Sodium Capture for Efficient Water Desalination by a Tubular Polyaniline Decorated with Prussian Blue Nanocrystals. Adv Mater 2020,32 (33), e1907404.

    34. Wang, C.;  Pan, N.;  Liao, J.;  Ruan, H.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., Effect of Microstructures of Side-Chain-Type Anion Exchange Membranes on Mono-/Bivalent Anion Permselectivity in Electrodialysis. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2020,3 (1), 342-353.

    35. Xu, Y.;  Peng, G.;  Liao, J.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Preparation of molecular selective GO/DTiO2-PDA-PEI composite nanofiltration membrane for highly pure dye separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2020,601, 117727.

    36. Yao, L.;  Qiu, Y.;  Zhao, Y.;  Tang, C.; Shen, J., A continuous mode operation of bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) for the production of high-pure choline hydroxide from choline chloride. Separation and Purification Technology 2020,233, 116054.

    37. Zhang, H.;  Tao, Y.;  He, Y.;  Pan, J.;  Yang, K.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Preparation of Low-Lactose Milk Powder by Coupling Membrane Technology. ACS Omega 2020,5 (15), 8543-8550.

    38. Zhang, Y.;  Ruan, H.;  Guo, C.;  Liao, J.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Thin-film nanocomposite reverse osmosis membranes with enhanced antibacterial resistance by incorporating p-aminophenol-modified graphene oxide. Separation and Purification Technology 2020,234, 116017.

    39. Zhao, Y.;  Li, X.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., The potential of Kevlar aramid nanofiber composite membranes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020,8 (16), 7548-7568.

    40. Zhao, Y.;  Liu, Y.;  Wang, C.;  Ortega, E.;  Wang, X.;  Xie, Y. F.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., Electric field-based ionic control of selective separation layers. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020,8 (8), 4244-4251.

    41. Zhao, Y.;  Mai, Z.;  Shen, P.;  Ortega, E.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., Nanofiber Based Organic Solvent Anion Exchange Membranes for Selective Separation of Monovalent anions. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2020,12 (6), 7539-7547.

    42. Hao, L.;  Liao, J.;  Liu, Y.;  Ruan, H.;  Sotto, A.;  der Bruggen, B. V.; Shen, J., Highly conductive anion exchange membranes with low water uptake and performance evaluation in electrodialysis. Separation and Purification Technology 2019,211, 481-490.

    43. Hao, L.;  Wang, C.;  Chen, Q.;  Yu, X.;  Liao, J.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., A facile approach to fabricate composite anion exchange membranes with enhanced ionic conductivity and dimensional stability for electrodialysis. Separation and Purification Technology 2019,227, 115725.

    44. Hosseini, S. M.;  Chehreh, M.;  Jashni, E.; Shen, J. N., Electrochemical characterization of electrodialysis cation exchange membrane incorporated with graphite nanoparticle for deionization. Ionics 2019,26 (3), 1525-1535.

    45. Jashni, E.;  Hosseini, S. M.; Shen, J., A new approach to providing heterogeneous cation-exchange membrane with enhanced electrochemical and desalination performance by incorporation of Fe3O4/PVP composite nanoparticles. Ionics 2019,26 (2), 861-874.

    46. Jashni, E.;  Hosseini, S. M.;  Shen, J. N.; Van der Bruggen, B., Electrochemical characterization of mixed matrix electrodialysis cation exchange membrane incorporated with carbon nanofibers for desalination. Ionics 2019,25 (11), 5595-5610.

    47. Jiang, Y.;  Wang, C.;  Pan, J.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., Constructing an internally cross-linked structure for polysulfone to improve dimensional stability and alkaline stability of high performance anion exchange membranes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019,44 (16), 8279-8289.

    48. Liao, J.;  Gao, X.;  Chen, Q.;  Yu, X.;  Yang, S.;  Ruan, H.;  Li, J.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Facile fabrication of amphoteric semi-interpenetrating network ion-exchange membranes for electrodialysis applications. Ionics 2019,26 (1), 323-335.

    49. Liao, J.;  Yu, X.;  Pan, N.;  Li, J.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Amphoteric ion-exchange membranes with superior mono-/bi-valent anion separation performance for electrodialysis applications. Journal of Membrane Science 2019,577, 153-164.

    50. Liao, J.;  Zhu, J.;  Yang, S.;  Pan, N.;  Yu, X.;  Wang, C.;  Li, J.; Shen, J., Long-side-chain type imidazolium-functionalized fluoro-methyl poly(arylene ether ketone) anion exchange membranes with superior electrodialysis performance. Journal of Membrane Science 2019,574, 181-195.

    51. Liu, H.;  Yang, S.;  Liu, Y.;  Miao, M.;  Zhao, Y.;  Sotto, A.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Fabricating a pH-responsive membrane through interfacial in-situ assembly of microgels for water gating and self-cleaning. Journal of Membrane Science 2019,579, 230-239.

    52. Liu, H.;  Zhu, J.;  Hao, L.;  Jiang, Y.;  van der Bruggen, B.;  Sotto, A.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Thermo- and pH-responsive graphene oxide membranes with tunable nanochannels for water gating and permeability of small molecules. Journal of Membrane Science 2019,587, 117163.

    53. Liu, Y.;  Yang, S.;  Chen, Y.;  Liao, J.;  Pan, J.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., Preparation of water-based anion-exchange membrane from PVA for anti-fouling in the electrodialysis process. Journal of Membrane Science 2019,570-571, 130-138.

    54. Pan, J.;  Zhang, W.;  Ruan, H.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Separation of mixed salts (Cl/SO42) by ED based on monovalent anion selective membranes. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2019,27 (4), 857-862.

    55. Qi, Y.;  Zhu, L.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., A novel nanofiltration membrane with simultaneously enhanced antifouling and antibacterial properties. RSC Advances 2019,9 (11), 6107-6117.

    56. Qi, Y.;  Zhu, L.;  Shen, X.;  Sotto, A.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Polythyleneimine-modified original positive charged nanofiltration membrane: Removal of heavy metal ions and dyes. Separation and Purification Technology 2019,222, 117-124.

    57. Qiu, Y.;  Ruan, H.;  Tang, C.;  Yao, L.;  Shen, J.; Sotto, A., Study on Recovering High-Concentration Lithium Salt from Lithium-Containing Wastewater Using a Hybrid Reverse Osmosis (RO)–Electrodialysis (ED) Process. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019,7 (15), 13481-13490.

    58. Qiu, Y.;  Yao, L.;  Li, J.;  Miao, M.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., Integration of Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis with Ion-Exchange Absorption for High-Quality H3PO2 Recovery from NaH2PO2. ACS Omega 2019,4 (2), 3983-3989.

    59. Qiu, Y.;  Yao, L.;  Tang, C.;  Zhao, Y.;  Zhu, J.; Shen, J., Integration of selectrodialysis and selectrodialysis with bipolar membrane to salt lake treatment for the production of lithium hydroxide. Desalination 2019,465, 1-12.

    60. Shi, W.;  Liu, X.;  Ye, C.;  Cao, X.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Efficient lithium extraction by membrane capacitive deionization incorporated with monovalent selective cation exchange membrane. Separation and Purification Technology 2019,210, 885-890.

    61. Shi, W.;  Xu, X.;  Ye, C.;  Sha, D.;  Yin, R.;  Shen, X.;  Liu, X.;  Liu, W.;  Shen, J.;  Cao, X.; Gao, C., Bimetallic Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Carbon Nanotube-Based Frameworks for Enhanced Capacitive Deionization and Zn-Air Battery. Front Chem 2019,7, 449.

    62. Wang, C.;  Pan, N.;  Jiang, Y.;  Liao, J.;  Sotto, A.;  Ruan, H.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., A facile approach to prepare crosslinked polysulfone-based anion exchange membranes with enhanced alkali resistance and dimensional stability. RSC Advances 2019,9 (62), 36374-36385.

    63. Xu, Y.;  Wu, M.;  Yu, S.;  Zhao, Y.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Ultrathin and stable graphene oxide film via intercalation polymerization of polydopamine for preparation of digital inkjet printing dye. Journal of Membrane Science 2019,586, 15-22.

    64. Yang, S.;  Liu, Y.;  Liao, J.;  Liu, H.;  Jiang, Y.;  Van der Bruggen, B.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Codeposition Modification of Cation Exchange Membranes with Dopamine and Crown Ether To Achieve High K(+) Electrodialysis Selectivity. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2019,11 (19), 17730-17741.

    65. Zendehnam, A.;  Azarnik, M.;  Zendehnam, A.;  Ghazanfarpour, S.;  Shen, J.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Hosseini, S. M., Enhancing the electrochemical and antibacterial characteristics of cation exchange membrane by using synthesized (GO-co-Ag) nanoplates. Ionics 2019,25 (12), 6123-6133.

    66. Zhao, Y.;  Li, Y.;  Zhu, J.;  Lejarazu-Larrañaga, A.;  Yuan, S.;  Ortega, E.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., Thin and robust organic solvent cation exchange membranes for ion separation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019,7 (23), 13903-13909.

    67. Zhao, Y.;  Qian, Y.;  Shi, W.; Shen, J., The Theory and Practice Value of Tunable Nanoscale Interlayer of Graphene: Response to Comment on “Tunable Nanoscale Interlayer of Graphene with Symmetrical Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Architecture for Lithium Extraction”. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2019,6 (2), 1801924.

    68. Zhao, Y.;  Qiu, Y.;  Mai, Z.;  Ortega, E.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., Symmetrically recombined nanofibers in a high-selectivity membrane for cation separation in high temperature and organic solvent. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019,7 (34), 20006-20012.

    69. Zheng, Z.;  Xiao, P.;  Ruan, H.;  Liao, J.;  Gao, C.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Shen, J., Mussel-Inspired Surface Functionalization of AEM for Simultaneously Improved Monovalent Anion Selectivity and Antibacterial Property. Membranes (Basel) 2019,9 (3).

    70. Zhu, J.;  Liao, J.;  Jin, W.;  Luo, B.;  Shen, P.;  Sotto, A.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Effect of functionality of cross-linker on sulphonated polysulfone cation exchange membranes for electrodialysis. Reactive and Functional Polymers 2019,138, 104-113.

    71. Zhu, J.;  Luo, B.;  Qian, Y.;  Sotto, A.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Three-Dimensional Stable Cation-Exchange Membrane with Enhanced Mechanical, Electrochemical, and Antibacterial Performance by in Situ Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles. ACS Omega 2019,4 (15), 16619-16628.

    72. Ding, J.;  Yang, S.;  Pan, J.;  Zheng, Y.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., A novel nanofiltration membrane inspired by an asymmetric porous membrane for selective fractionation of monovalent anions in electrodialysis. RSC Advances 2018,8 (53), 30502-30511.

    73. Hao, L.;  Liao, J.;  Jiang, Y.;  Zhu, J.;  Li, J.;  Zhao, Y.;  Van der Bruggen, B.;  Sotto, A.; Shen, J., “Sandwich”-like structure modified anion exchange membrane with enhanced monovalent selectivity and fouling resistant. Journal of Membrane Science 2018,556, 98-106.

    74. Jiang, Y.;  Liao, J.;  Yang, S.;  Li, J.;  Xu, Y.;  Ruan, H.;  Sotto, A.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Shen, J., Stable cycloaliphatic quaternary ammonium-tethered anion exchange membranes for electrodialysis. Reactive and Functional Polymers 2018,130, 61-69.

    75. Jin, Y.;  Zhao, Y.;  Liu, H.;  Sotto, A.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., A durable and antifouling monovalent selective anion exchange membrane modified by polydopamine and sulfonated reduced graphene oxide. Separation and Purification Technology 2018,207, 116-123.

    76. Li, J.;  Morthensen, S. T.;  Zhu, J.;  Yuan, S.;  Wang, J.;  Volodine, A.;  Lin, J.;  Shen, J.; Van der Bruggen, B., Exfoliated MoS2 nanosheets loaded on bipolar exchange membranes interfaces as advanced catalysts for water dissociation. Separation and Purification Technology 2018,194, 416-424.

    77. Li, J.;  Yuan, S.;  Wang, J.;  Zhu, J.;  Shen, J.; Van der Bruggen, B., Mussel-inspired modification of ion exchange membrane for monovalent separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2018,553, 139-150.

    78. Li, J.;  Zhu, J.;  Yuan, S.;  Li, X.;  Zhao, Z.;  Zhao, Y.;  Liu, Y.;  Volodine, A.;  Li, J.;  Shen, J.; Van der Bruggen, B., Mussel-Inspired Monovalent Selective Cation Exchange Membranes Containing Hydrophilic MIL53(Al) Framework for Enhanced Ion Flux. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2018,57 (18), 6275-6283.

    79. Liu, H.;  Jiang, Y.;  Ding, J.;  Shi, W.;  Pan, J.;  Gao, C.;  Shen, J.; van der Bruggen, B., Surface layer modification of AEMs by infiltration and photo-cross-linking to induce monovalent selectivity. AIChE Journal 2018,64 (3), 993-1000.

    80. Liu, H.;  Liao, J.;  Zhao, Y.;  Sotto, A.;  Zhu, J.;  van der Bruggen, B.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Bioinspired dual stimuli-responsive membranes with enhanced gating ratios and reversible performances for water gating. Journal of Membrane Science 2018,564, 53-61.

    81. Liu, H.;  Zhao, X.;  Jia, N.;  Sotto, A.;  Zhao, Y.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; van der Bruggen, B., Engineering of thermo-/pH-responsive membranes with enhanced gating coefficients, reversible behaviors and self-cleaning performance through acetic acid boosted microgel assembly. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018,6 (25), 11874-11883.

    82. Miao, M.;  Qiu, Y.;  Yao, L.;  Wu, Q.;  Ruan, H.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Shen, J., Preparation of N,N,N-trimethyl-1-adamantylammonium hydroxide with high purity via bipolar membrane electrodialysis. Separation and Purification Technology 2018,205, 241-250.

    83. Pan, J.;  Ding, J.;  Zheng, Y.;  Gao, C.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Shen, J., One-pot approach to prepare internally cross-linked monovalent selective anion exchange membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2018,553, 43-53.

    84. Pan, J.;  Zheng, Y.;  Ding, J.;  Gao, C.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Shen, J., Fluoride Removal from Water by Membrane Capacitive Deionization with a Monovalent Anion Selective Membrane. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2018,57 (20), 7048-7053.

    85. Ruan, H.;  Li, B.;  Ji, J.;  Sotto, A.;  Van der Bruggen, B.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Preparation and characterization of an amphiphilic polyamide nanofiltration membrane with improved antifouling properties by two-step surface modification method. RSC Advances 2018,8 (24), 13353-13363.

    86. Ruan, H.;  Liao, J.;  Tan, R.;  Pan, J.;  Sotto, A.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Dual Functional Layers Modified Anion Exchange Membranes with Improved Fouling Resistant for Electrodialysis. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018,5 (20), 1800909.

    87. Ruan, H.;  Zheng, Z.;  Pan, J.;  Gao, C.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Shen, J., Mussel-inspired sulfonated polydopamine coating on anion exchange membrane for improving permselectivity and anti-fouling property. Journal of Membrane Science 2018,550, 427-435.

    88. Shi, W.;  Ye, C.;  Xu, X.;  Liu, X.;  Ding, M.;  Liu, W.;  Cao, X.;  Shen, J.;  Yang, H. Y.; Gao, C., High-Performance Membrane Capacitive Deionization Based on Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Hierarchical Carbon Structures. ACS Omega 2018,3 (8), 8506-8513.

    89. Zhao, Y.;  Shi, W.;  Van der Bruggen, B.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Tunable Nanoscale Interlayer of Graphene with Symmetrical Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Architecture for Lithium Extraction. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018,5 (6), 1701449.

    90. Zhao, Y.;  Zhou, C.;  Wang, J.;  Liu, H.;  Xu, Y.;  Seo, J. W.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., Formation of morphologically confined nanospaces via self-assembly of graphene and nanospheres for selective separation of lithium. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018,6 (39), 18859-18864.

    91. Zhao, Y.;  Zhu, J.;  Ding, J.;  Van der Bruggen, B.;  Shen, J.; Gao, C., Electric-pulse layer-by-layer assembled of anion exchange membrane with enhanced monovalent selectivity. Journal of Membrane Science 2018,548, 81-90.

    92. Zhao, Y.;  Zhu, J.;  Li, J.;  Zhao, Z.;  Charchalac Ochoa, S. I.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., Robust Multilayer Graphene-Organic Frameworks for Selective Separation of Monovalent Anions. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2018,10 (21), 18426-18433.

    93. Chen, X.;  Jiang, Y.;  Yang, S.;  Pan, J.;  Yan, R.;  Bruggen, B. V. d.;  Sotto, A.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Internal cross-linked anion exchange membranes with improved dimensional stability for electrodialysis. Journal of Membrane Science 2017,542, 280-288.

    94. Li, J.;  Zhu, J.;  Wang, J.;  Yuan, S.;  Lin, J.;  Shen, J.; Van der Bruggen, B., Charge‐assisted ultrafiltration membranes for monovalent ions separation in electrodialysis. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2017,135 (24), 45692.

    95. Li, J.;  Zhu, J.;  Yuan, S.;  Lin, J.;  Shen, J.; Van der Bruggen, B., Cation-Exchange Membranes with Controlled Porosity in Electrodialysis Application. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2017,56 (28), 8111-8120.

    96. Liu, H.;  Ruan, H.;  Zhao, Y.;  Pan, J.;  Sotto, A.;  Gao, C.;  van der Bruggen, B.; Shen, J., A facile avenue to modify polyelectrolyte multilayers on anion exchange membranes to enhance monovalent selectivity and durability simultaneously. Journal of Membrane Science 2017,543, 310-318.

    97. Pan, J.;  Ding, J.;  Tan, R.;  Chen, G.;  Zhao, Y.;  Gao, C.;  der Bruggen, B. V.; Shen, J., Preparation of a monovalent selective anion exchange membrane through constructing a covalently crosslinked interface by electro-deposition of polyethyleneimine. Journal of Membrane Science 2017,539, 263-272.

    98. Pan, J.;  Miao, M.;  Lin, X.;  Shen, J.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Gao, C., Production of Aldonic Acids by Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2017,56 (27), 7824-7829.

    99. Shen, J.;  Hou, Z.; Gao, C., Using bipolar membrane electrodialysis to synthesize di-quaternary ammonium hydroxide and optimization design by response surface methodology. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2017,25 (9), 1176-1181.

    100. Wang, T.;  Yang, C.-h.;  Man, C.-L.;  Wu, L.-g.;  Xue, W.-L.;  Shen, J.-n.;  Van der Bruggen, B.; Yi, Z., Enhanced Separation Performance for CO2 Gas of Mixed-Matrix Membranes Incorporated with TiO2/Graphene Oxide: Synergistic Effect of Graphene Oxide and Small TiO2 Particles on Gas Permeability of Membranes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2017,56 (31), 8981-8990.

    101. Xu, Y.;  Lin, J.;  Gao, C.;  Van der Bruggen, B.;  Shen, Q.;  Shao, H.; Shen, J., Preparation of High-Flux Nanoporous Solvent Resistant Polyacrylonitrile Membrane with Potential Fractionation of Dyes and Na2SO4. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2017,56 (41), 11967-11976.

    102. Zhang, H.;  Bin, L.;  Pan, J.;  Qi, Y.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; Van der Bruggen, B., Carboxyl-functionalized graphene oxide polyamide nanofiltration membrane for desalination of dye solutions containing monovalent salt. Journal of Membrane Science 2017,539, 128-137.

    103. Zhang, W.;  Miao, M.;  Pan, J.;  Sotto, A.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; der Bruggen, B. V., Separation of divalent ions from seawater concentrate to enhance the purity of coarse salt by electrodialysis with monovalent-selective membranes. Desalination 2017,411, 28-37.

    104. Zhao, Y.;  Tang, K.;  Ruan, H.;  Xue, L.;  Van der Bruggen, B.;  Gao, C.; Shen, J., Sulfonated reduced graphene oxide modification layers to improve monovalent anions selectivity and controllable resistance of anion exchange membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2017,536, 167-175.

    105. Zhou, M.;  Chen, X.;  Pan, J.;  Yang, S.;  Han, B.;  Xue, L.;  Shen, J.;  Gao, C.; der Bruggen, B. V., A novel UV-crosslinked sulphonated polysulfone cation exchange membrane with improved dimensional stability for electrodialysis. Desalination 2017,415, 29-39.


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