

| 博士 教授 博士生导师


职务: 学科办主任


办公地址: 环境楼C502

办公电话: 13868092159

电子邮箱: lifeili@zjut.edu.cn

  • 个人简介


       浙江工业大学环境学院教师,主讲《环境监测》、《环境化学》,多次荣获校级优秀班主任,校级师德先进个人等称号。主要从事重金属在环境介质中的迁移转化及其污染防治和风险评价的研究,重点开展了溶解性有机质对小球藻生物富集湖泊中重金属元素的影响机制的研究,以及Pb稳定同位素在土壤和大气颗粒物、地表灰尘等环境样品的溯源分析,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,浙江省自然科学基金项目1项,参加国家重点研发计划3项;提供企业技术开发与服务项目40余项;在Journal of Hazardous Materials,Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment,Chemosphere, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,环境科学等发表学术论文80余篇,个人HI19;参编教材2部;荣获浙江省第四届高校教师自制多媒体教学软件评比一等奖,浙江省环保局科学技术二等奖,校级教学质量优秀奖等;指导博士研究生4名,硕士研究生30余名。

  • 教学与课程


     [1]《环境监测》校级优秀课程,校级教改,2007.07- 2010.12;研究经费1.5万,结题。

     [2]《环境化学》校级教改项目,校级教改,2005.02- 2006.12。研究经费1.0万,结题。



     《环境监测》     化学工业出版社,2003年,吴祖成主编,李非里参编


    [1]  第六届全校党员微型党课大赛二等奖      浙江工业大学      2020

    [2]  浙江工业大学第五届师德先进个人”      浙江工业大学        2019

    [3]  环境化学、环境监测优课优酬个人奖      浙江工业大学      2017

    [4]  环境化学、环境监测优课优酬个人奖      浙江工业大学      2016

    [5]  环境监测优课优酬集体奖    浙江工业大学     2016

    [6]  浙江工业大学优秀班主任,2013

    [7]   浙江工业大学优秀班主任,2012

    [8]   浙江工业大学教学质量优秀奖, 2008.02, 排名第一;

    [9]   浙江工业大学教学质量优秀奖, 2007.02, 排名第一;

    [10]       《环境保护》多媒体教学软件,浙江省教育厅高等教育处,浙江省第四届高校教师自制多媒体教学软件评比一等奖,2005.10, 排名第三。



  • 科研项目


    [1]     湾区典型园区石化行业减排措施库构建(2022YFC3703503-01),国家重点研发计划子课题,2022.10-2025.6, 147.5万元

    [2]     非点源异味和低浓度VOCs 污染溯源技术研发与工程验证 (2022YFC3702002) ,  国家重点研发计划子课题,2022.10-2026.6,84万元

    [3]     国家自然科学基金面上项目,淡水微藻-重金属-DOM三元配合物形成机制及其模型构建(41977150) ,2020.01-2023.12, 61万元

    [4]     浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,蛋白核小球藻-Pb-DOM三元配合物的形成机制及其生态影响(Y19B070019),2019.01-2021.12,9万元,结题。

    [5]     国家自然科学基金面上项目,富营养型湖泊不同分子量溶解性有机质对绿藻富集重金属行为的影响机制研究(401273129),2013.01- 2016.12,85万元,结题。

    [6]     国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,地膜覆盖影响下重金属在土壤-蔬菜系统中的迁移机制(40703020),2008.01- 2010.12,研究经费20万元,结题。

    [7]     设施农业中土壤的理化学和微生物学特征的时间变化规律及其与农药残留、降解的控制机制(2009CB119006003),国家973项目三级课题,2009.01- 2013.08,研究经费45万元,结题。


    [1]     大气关键污染物监测和综合管控技术、装备研发及示范-石化园区大气关键污染物监测和综合管控技术、装备研发及示范(2022C03073),浙江省科技厅尖兵”“领雁研发攻关计划,2022.01-2024.12,排名第十一

    [2]     国家重点研发计划, 精细化工园区大气污染全过程控制与技术集成示范(2018YFC0214100, 2018.09-2021.12,参加子课题,排名第二

    [3]     氮同位素研究农业污染物输入对地下水系统的影响(40771183),国家自然科学基金,2009.01- 2011.12,排名第二;

    [4]     县域面源污染控制与信息管理技术集成示范(2008ZX07101-006-10-2),国家科技重大专项子课题,2010.01-2013.12,排名第二;

    [5]     生物转鼓高效去除氮氧化物的机理研究(20576124),纵向/国家基金,2006.1-2006.12,排名第二;

    [6]     环境黑碳吸附微囊藻毒素的行为与机理研究(Y5110268),浙江省自然科学基金,2011.1-2013.12,研究经费5万,排名第二;

    [7]     燃煤烟气多污染物一体化控制技术试验研究(2010C33069) ,浙江省科技厅项目,2010.11-2012.11,排名第三;

    [8]     废蓄电池工业化无污染再生铅技术研发2006C13026),浙江省科技厅重大专项,省部级重大项目 2006.11-2008.10,排名第四。

  • 科研成果


    [1]    Fang, J.; Chen, S.; Leng, Y.; Shi, W.; Zhang, G.; Lin, Y.; Li, Feili. The role of amino acids in facilitating lead accumulation in microalgae: A quantitative analysis of functional group effects. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2024, 399, 124465.

    [2]     Gaoxiang Zhang, Xiaoling Chen, Feili Li*, Weiyan Que, Junjie Qian, Jingjing Fang. Effects of environmental factors on selenite volatilization by freshwater microalgae. Science of the Total Environment, 2023,854, 158539

    [3]    Wen Shi, ZhiweiWang, Feili Li, Yuxin Xu, Xijing Chen    Multilayer adsorption behavior of Pb and Fulvic acid onto algal surface. Chemosphere2023329,138596

    [4]    Jingjing Fang, Junjie Qian, Wen Shi, Huaqian Mou, Xiujuan Chen, Gaoxiang zhang, Feili Li.  Role of amino acid functional group in alga-amino acid-Zn ternary complexes.  Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering2023 11(6):111350.

    [5]     Zhang, G., B. Yang, L. Shao, et al., Differences in bioaccumulation of Ni and Zn by microalgae in the presence of fulvic acid. Chemosphere, 2022, 132838.

    [6]     Shi, W., Zhang, G., Li, F., Feng, J., Chen, X., 2020. Two-step adsorption model for Pb ion accumulation at the algae-water interface in the presence of fulvic acid. Sci Total Environ, 742, 140606.

    [7]     Chen, X., Zheng, M., Zhang, G., Li, F., Chen, H., Leng, Y., 2020. The nature of dissolved organic matter determines the biosorption capacity of Cu by algae. Chemosphere, 252, 126465.

    [8]     Que, W., Wang, B., Li, F., Chen, X., Jin, H., Jin, Z., 2020. Mechanism of lead bioaccumulation by freshwater algae in the presence of organic acids. Chemical Geology, 540.

    [8]     Shi, W., Fang, X., Wu, X., Zhang, G., Que, W., Li, F., 2018. Alteration of bioaccumulation mechanisms of Cu by microalgae in the presence of natural fulvic acids. Chemosphere, 211, 717-725.

    [10]     Feili Li, Liyuan Zhao, Yifei Jinxu, Wen Shi, Siqi Zhou, Kai Yuan, Daniel G. Sheng. Removal of dichlorophenol by Chlorella pyrenoidosa through self-regulating mechanism in air-tight test environment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, 2018, 164,109-117.

    [11]     Shi, W., Jin, Z., Hu, S., Fang, X., Li, F., 2017. Dissolved organic matter affects the bioaccumulation of copper and lead in Chlorella pyrenoidosa: A case of long-term exposure. Chemosphere, 174, 447-455.


    [1]      Feili Li, Boxuan Yang, Feng Yang, Jiahao Wu, Jing Chen, Shuang Song, *, Jianhong. Stabilization mechanism of Pb with an amino- and mercapto-polymer to assist phytoremediation,        Journal of Hazardous Materials,  2023,442, 130139

    [2]      Xiaoling Chen, Jianru Feng, Huaqian Mou, Zheng Liang , Tianzheng Ding, Shiyu Chen, Feili Li*. Utilization of Indole Acetic Acid with Leucadendron rubrum and Rhododendron pulchrum for the Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals in the Artificial Soil Made of Municipal Sewage Sludge, Toxics, 2023, 11(1): 43,

    [3]      Feili Li, Xiaoling Chen, Jianru Feng, Zheng Liang, Xinyang Xu, Tianzheng Ding , Ryegrass extraction of heavy metals from municipal sewage sludge compost-amended soils assisted with citric acid. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022.30: 33598–33608.

    [4]      Feili Li; Hui Jin; Xingfei Wu; Yannian Liu; Xiaoling Chen; Jiade Wang*. Remediation for trace metals in polluted soils by turfgrass assisted with chemical reagents. Chemosphere, 2022, 295, 133790

    [5]      Yaling Leng, Minying Lu, Feili Li, Boxuan Yang, Zhong-Ting Hu. Citric acid-assisted phytoextraction of trace elements in composted municipal sludge by garden plants. Environ Pollut, 2021. 288: p. 117699.

    [6]      Li, F., Shao, L., Chen, Y., Zhang, G., Nie, Q., Jin, Z., 2021. Leaching characteristic of potentially toxic metals of artificial soil made from municipal sludge compost. Chemosphere 270, 128632.

    [7]      Li, F., Yang, F., Chen, Y., Jin, H., Leng, Y., Wang, J., 2020. Chemical reagent-assisted phytoextraction of heavy metals by Bryophyllum laetivirens from garden soil made of sludge. Chemosphere 253, 126574.

    [8]      Li, F.L., Qiu, Y., Xu, X., Yang, F., Wang, Z., Feng, J., Wang, J., 2020. EDTA-enhanced phytoremediation of heavy metals from sludge soil by Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 191, 110185.

    [9]      Liu, T., F. Li, Z. Jin, et al., Acidic leaching of potentially toxic metals cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc from two Zn smelting slag materials incubated in an acidic soil. Environ Pollut, 2018. 238: p. 359-368.

    [10]    Li, F., Jinxu, Y., Shao, L., Zhang, G., Wang, J., Jin, Z., 2018. Delineating the origin of Pb and Cd in the urban dust through elemental and stable isotopic ratio: A study from Hangzhou City, China. Chemosphere 211, 674-683.

    [11]    Li, F.-l., Shi, W., Jin, Z.-f., Wu, H.-m., Sheng, G.D., 2017. Excessive uptake of heavy metals by greenhouse vegetables. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 173, 76-84.

    [12]    Jin, Z.F., Z.J. Zhang, H. Zhang, et al., Assessment of lead bioaccessibility in soils around lead battery plants in East China. Chemosphere, 2015. 119: p. 1247-1254.

    [13]    Li, F.L., J. Yuan, and G.D. Sheng, Altered transfer of heavy metals from soil to Chinese cabbage with film mulching. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2012. 77: p. 1-6.

    [14]    Li, F.L., C.Q. Liu, Y.G. Yang, et al., Natural and anthropogenic lead in soils and vegetables around Guiyang city, southwest China: A Pb isotopic approach. Science of the Total Environment, 2012. 431: p. 339-347. 

  • 社会服务


    [1]  宁波高新区纯丽节能技术有限公司污泥制产品资源化能源化技术及规范研发, 2022.07~2027.07, 30

    [2]  浙江工业大学-海清环保水处理技术研发中心,2018.05-2022.0530万元

    [3]   浙江中烟工业有限责任公司烘丝工序排潮逸出物技术研究, 2019.02-2020.12, 20万元

    [4]   宁波高新区纯丽节能公司营养土的应用开发,2016.02-2018.0230

    [5]   浙江超威电源有限公司1500万只铅酸蓄电池生产项目咨询,2008.03-2008.1225


    [1] 一种利用城市污泥制备园林绿化土的方法,发明专利,授权时间2018119日。包晓东、王家德、陆敏英、李非里、李丽

    [2] 《污泥制备的园林绿化营养土》(T/CACE 046-2021)。团体标准,授权时间20211230日。包晓东、王家德、李非里、龙俊、童士康、李丽、李乔一、史南君、汪莉莉、董亚辉、解建宇、王沫、钱尧翎、侯文有



